Native Icon Format

VK is committed to ensuring that all ads, objects, and destination pages on online resources of its own and those of VK Ad Network partners comply with our standards and local laws. Ads must be clear, professionally designed, and contain required elements.

Review the required elements for native formats using myTarget SDK and openRTB protocol (OpenRTB Native Ads Specification v. 1.2).

The required elements for native formats include:

1. Ad label

A text label indicating that the content is an ad or other text intended to highlight an ad in the website or app content.

2. Image of the advertised product or service.

3. Link to the advertiser's website.

4. Disclaimer.

Special information about the advertised product or service required by local laws. For example, displaying the license number in the case of advertising products or services with mandatory government licensing, such as healthcare services, medical products, etc.

5. Age restrictions.

Information about age restrictions for the advertised product or service required by local laws.

6. adChoices

Contains more details on the advertiser and may include special options for the user to block the advertised product or service.

To display required ad elements using myTarget SDK, refer to the manual on implementing native formats for the following operating systems: Android, iOS (iPhone, iPad)

When working with VK Ads via openRTB protocol, to obtain and display required elements in native format, pass the required fields in the ad request submitted in the OpenRTB native format:

1. Ad label.


2. Image of the advertised product or service.

- in case of the Native Icon format


- in case of other formats, you can request both icon image and main image.


3. Link to the advertiser's website.


4. Disclaimer.


Age restrictions and adChoice are not provided in OpenRTB Native Ads Specification v. 1.2 and will always be stated in the response (bidresponse.adm).

Sample request (bidrequest.imp.native)

{"request": "{\"plcmttype\":1,\"assets\":[{\"id\":1,\"title\":{\"len\":31}},{\"id\":2,\"img\":{\"wmin\":50,\"type\":1}},{\"id\":3,\"img\":{\"wmin\":150,\"type\":3}},{\"id\":4,\"data\":{\"type\":1}},{\"id\":5,\"data\":{\"type\":2}},{\"id\":6,\"data\":{\"type\":3}},{\"id\":7,\"data\":{\"type\":4}},{\"id\":8,\"data\":{\"type\":11}},{\"id\":9,\"data\":{\"type\":12}}]}","ver": "1.0"}

In the response for OpenRTB Native format (bidresponse.adm), all requested ad elements will be included.

5. Age restrictions are located in bidresponse.adm.ext.agerestrictions.

6. adChoice in the response (bidresponse) for native format is represented in two variants: dchain and extended format.

You can use the information from this object to create adChoices on your own, providing limited information about the advertised product or service.

            "complete": 0,
                    "domain": "1",
                    "asi": "1",
                    "bsid": "1:159787330",
                        "url": "",
                        "token": "2VtzqvP3GMv"
            "ver": "1.0"

Link to the special information page about the advertiser: dchain.nodes.[ext.url]

Registered ad identifier required for display in adChoices: dchain.nodes.[ext.token]

Native Icon Examples pattern

Structure 1 line:bidresponse.adm.assets.img.type:1

2 line:,bidresponse.adm.ext.agerestrictions bidresponse.adm.ext.adChoices.iconLink

3 line: bidresponse.adm.assets.title


Last updated