VK Ad Network provides comprehensive integration methods that allow publishers to integrate easily with our Ad Server using any server side integration. API integration is the most flexible method of integration if you are unable to integrate with the myTarget SDK. Publisher can efficiently manage multiple platforms through one API. Use our API to integrate Android and iOS apps.
Supports newer and better performing ad formats – native (+video via VAST), banner, interstitial, ensuring better monetization for publisher site/app.
The ad request is in JSON format and is similar to the OpenRTB specification (version 2.3 or 2.5).
Allows several first-party data parameters to be collected, improving the ad served relevance and monetization.
Main differences with IAB OpenRTB specification:
Bid price in BidResponse can not be used for billing (for informational purposes only)
Suppoted loss notice notification with macros ${AUCTION_LOSS}
Endpoint URL
GET parameters in request
integer; required
SLOTID for placement in VK Ad Network UI with integration type ‘s2s/api’
debug request for issue tracking!debug url will be provided in ext.bannerd.debug_info in response and should be send to VK Ad Network tech team
See additional requirements for BidRequest and BidResponse
BidRequest specification requirementsBidResponse specification requirementsExample BidRequest/BidResponse
OpenRTB v 2.3/2.5Last updated